
DHN_Acq is a GUI based acquisition system for MED files. It is currently only configured for Neuralynx Atlas & Digital Lynx systems.

License required.

DHN_License_Tool facilitates user interaction with the DHN License Server for license management operations.
Mac Windows Linux
DHN Exec is a new GUI-based application to faciltate running and batching DHN command line programs.
Mac Windows
read_MED is a Matlab software suite for reading & viewing MED files.
Intel Silicon Apple Silicon Windows Linux
repair_MED updates file headers in MED sessions interrupted during acquisition (force quit, power failure, etc.).
Additional repair functionality will be added in the future.
Mac Windows Linux
CSC2MED converts Neuralynx continuously sampled channels (CSC) files to MED files.
Mac Windows Linux
NRD2MED converts Neuralynx raw data (NRD) files to MED files.
Mac Windows Linux
DAT2MED converts Intan continuous raw data (dat) files to MED files.
Mac Windows Linux
MEF2MED converts MEF2 & MEF3 files to MED files.
Mac Linux
NAT2MED converts Natus files to MED files.
Mac Windows Linux
CSC2CS creates a channel specification file for use with NRD2MED from existing CSC files.
Mac Windows Linux
MED2RAW converts MED channel data to individual files of binary 4-byte integers. Aside from it’s basic utility, MED2RAW is intended as demonstration code for users interested in using the open source library on MEDformat.org.
Mac Windows Linux
MED2DAT converts MED channel data to a headerless Intan DAT file. Aside from it’s basic utility, MED2DAT is intended as demonstration code for users interested in using the open source library on MEDformat.org.
Mac Windows Linux

Windows Installation

When you download and run the Windows installers you may get the following warning:

Windows protected your PC
Microsoft Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting.
Running this app might put your PC at risk.
More info

Click "More info" and then click "Run anyway."

Linux Installation

1. To extract the dowloaded archive, open a terminal and navigate to directory that contains it (probably, ~/Downloads, but could be elsewhere)

Type: tar -xzvf <archive>.tar.gz (substituting the archive name for "<archive>")
(This step may have been done automatically by your operating system.)

If your version of Linux does not accept the "z" option to include unzipping, do the following:
gunzip <archive>.tar.gz
tar -xvf <archive>.tar

2. Change into the newly created directory. (Example, "Install_read_MED"):

Type: ./install.sh

The script may prompt for your root or sudo password to complete installation.